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Jefferson Abstract Corporation

Their staff serves Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence Counties with offices in Watertown and Canton. They are the local agents for Monroe Title Insurance Corporation and Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company.
An abstract generally refers to and summarizes all documents and proceedings in the public record that affect title to the real estate concerned. The caption sheet or abstracter's certificate describes the various types of records or information that the abstracter has reviewed which generally include deeds, mortgages, leases, easements, restrictions on use and occupancy, mineral interests, litigation affecting the property, judgments against the property and persons having an interest therein, wills, probate proceedings, taxes and any other type of record or information affecting the title.
Preparation of a chain of title by a skilled, responsible abstracter expedites a real estate transaction for the benefit of buyer and seller. Working closely with attorneys, brokers and mortgage lenders, the abstracter is a dedicated public servant with legal and financial responsibilities for the accuracy of ones work. The abstracter and the attorney providing an opinion of title, has a major role in the avoidance of loss from land title hazards.
When purchasing a home or other real estate, you actually do not receive the land itself. The thing you acquire is title to the property which may be limited by rights and claims asserted by others. Problems with title can limit your use and enjoyment of real estate, as well as bring financial loss. Title trouble also can threaten the security interest your mortgage lender holds in the property
Protection against hazards of title is available through a unique coverage known as title insurance. Unlike other kinds of insurance that focus on possible future events and charge an annual premium, title insurance is purchased for a one payment and is a safeguard against loss arising from hazards and defects already existing in the title.

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